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Delta Variant is Creating Chaos in our Hospitals – Dr. Joseph Varon

Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:51 pm   /   by   /   comments (0)

Caracal Reports Denisse Gomez talks with Doctor Joseph Varon, the Chief of Critical Care Services at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas. Doctor Varon has worked more than 500 days non-stop to assist the dozens of patients that arrive at the hospital every day.

Doctor Varon and his team have been developing the MATH+ Protocol to help patients counter the body’s inflammatory response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The inflammation can damage the lungs and other organs, not the virus itself, which eventually provokes death.

Studies prove that it has been highly effective and can eliminate the need for ICU beds and mechanical ventilators. The formula is FDA-approved, safe and cheap, but it is only for hospital use.

Meanwhile, the FDA approved Pfizer as the first Covid-19 vaccine. This vaccine is accepted to prevent Covid-19 disease and continues to be available for persons 16 years of age and older. Additionally, the Pfizer vaccine can be used in emergencies with individuals between 12 through 16 years of age.

During this interview, Doctor Varon explained why it is crucial to mask up regardless of whether you are vaccinated and when it is your time to get your booster.

Also, Doctor Joseph gives us his projection on when we could get back to normal if everyone follows the guidelines.

It is essential to mention that Doctor Joseph Varon has become a world leader regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Different associations have recognized him for his work. Last year, on September 25th, Sylvester Turner, mayor of Houston, proclaimed “Dr. Varon’s day.”

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