The U.S. Lagging on Infrastructure Compared to India
The United States continues to be ravaged by wildfires, catastrophic storms, and other natural events as each occurrence further impedes the country’s ability to effectively and proactively respond to each event. In July, unprecedented flooding in the German town of Ahrweiler, which killed at least 220 people in Germany and neighboring Belgium, gave the world […]

Biden’s Climate Plan and The Need For Global Activism during the Pandemic
The world is in dire need of a radical environmental solution, and Biden’s climate plan needs all the attention in this election season. According to The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the threat of climate change, and its effects on America and the world are urgent. “The range of published evidence,” states the Intergovernmental […]

Climate Change Disasters Largely Ignored In Africa And Midwest
Last week Caracal Reports published an article discussing the after-effects of Cyclone Idai which ravaged Mozambique in southern Africa. “Mozambique’s Land and Environment Minister Celso Correia said the number of people in makeshift camps after a powerful cyclone Idai in Mozambique has risen by 18,000 to 128,000 but the death toll remains roughly unchanged at […]