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Nancy Herz speaks on Shame, Identity and Cancel Culture on CR

Nancy Herz

Caracal Reports Videos

Posted: June 28, 2021 at 10:42 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

Caracal Reports Meagan Moyle sits down with Nancy Herz, co-author of Shameless (2017) and author of Aren’t You Getting Married Soon? And What My Mother and I Should Have Talked About Instead (2021). Nancy gained prominence in the Norwegian media along with Sofia Srour and Amina Bile as the “shameless girls.” She was awarded the Shameless Award (2016), and the Freedom of Expression Tribute (2017) from the Fritt Ord Foundation for their personal and fearless efforts to combat negative social control imposed upon minority groups.

She currently chairs the Norwegian Youth Forum for Freedom of Expression which investigates the challenges young people face when they speak out and discusses ways for young people to be more involved in the public debate. You can also watch her as a presenter on the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) series Shameless. For more stories from Caracal Reports, follow or like us on the below platforms:

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